Thank you, Kate. I too have found the term "resilience" to have lost any useful meaning and become a filler of sorts into which we dump the stuff we don't know how to deal with or don't want to. I love your notion of words and seeds. People, and the planet, ARE resilient, at least up to a point and only if we respect we can't go back to how it was.

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Only if we respect we can't go back to how it was - yes. Nostalgia can be a powerful way to get stuck in non-action, or bandaids that address only symptoms, just wishing for what was. Of course, I've spent plenty of time there, too. ❤️ trying to root into gentleness and flexibility more and more now

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I love your revised definition of resilience, including the joy and beauty and seed sowing. Community care is definitely part of it.

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Every time I feel exhausted I realize it's because I'm forgetting to ask for/receive/be aware of the community I'm part of, and instead am stuck in too much individual thinking that I have to "do it all" myself. I'm spending more time now asking how I can be part of offering and receiving community care.

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What a lovely post! Now we can also add the North Carolina (and other) flooding of 2024 to the list of places and people practicing resilience. People showing up to help with donkeys and horses laden with goods made a picturesque triumph of sorts out of the immediate tragedy. If only those wares could have solved the entirety of the problem(s).

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I'm just letting this soak into my soul, Katie. I love the thought of the shapes I have been shifting with my experiences, and the shifts within the meaning of resilience.

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